Monday, July 26, 2010

Almondless "Macaroons"

I made these macaroons today using a blend of Linseed,
Pepitas and sunflower kernals all finely ground and sifted together with the
pure icing sugar 4 times. I also used 3 day+ old eggwhites
and the results are surprisingly good.

173 Gms pure icing sugar
100 Gms ground meal
81 Gms egg whites
45 Gms caster sugar

Sift Icing sugar and ground linseed mixture 4 times to remove any lumps etc.
In an electric mixer beat eggwhites to soft peak and then rain in caster sugar
and continue beating until glossy and at stiff peak.
Sprinkle sifted mixture onto the meringue and fold vigoursly to fully incorporate
together. The mix should be smooth and glossy with no lumps.
Allow to rest for 15 minutes and then pipe to desired size on a baking tray
lined with greaseproof paper (Lightly greased)
Allow to rest for approx 30 minutes to form a crust (This may take longer
depending on conditions and warmth of kitchen--be patient)
Place tray in oven at 180C, close door and reduce temp to 120C.
Bake for 20 Minutes.
Remove from oven, allow to rest for a few minutes and carefully remove from tray
to cooling rack.
Fill as desired.
Good Luck.

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