Saturday, October 22, 2011

SOURDOUGH (part 2)

Having stumbled upon a starter, more by fluke than purpose, I decided to make one from scratch following strict guidelines. I used organic flour and spring water only. You can use whatever quantities you please, but in this ratio:--

Day 1. 1:1 Mix to a paste, loosely cover and set aside.
Day 2. 1:1 Repeat.
Day 3. 2:2 Repeat
Day 4. 4:4 Repeat
Day 5.  Rest
At the end of day 5 the starter was starting to work, bubbles were appearing, it smelt right, but was nowhere near ready for use. There are numerous factors which can affect the rate of growth. Anyway----
Day 6. Fed it again at the ratio 4:4.
Day 7. Better, but still not very active, so I decided to try and flick it over to a wholemeal starter.
           I took off a quantity at the ratio 4: 4 and then refreshed it at the ratio 4:4, but this time I grated a potato, squeezed the liquid out and topped it up to the required amount with spring water and used wholemeal flour.
Day 8. What a difference a day makes!! Bubbly and definitely active. Fed it with water and wholemeal
           flour at the ratio 4:4
Day 9. Repeat @ 4:4
Day 10. We have lift off. A wholemeal starter ready to use.

My booty!!  All 100% Sourdough Bread. Not a grain of added
yeast to be found.

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